Let’s work together to continue the American Recovery


Tonight, President Joe Biden laid out a vigorous picture of a nation roaring back from the shutdowns of 2020, one rooted in the dignity of work and the promise of opportunity. We’ve funded over 20,000 new infrastructure projects, strengthened our supply chains for critical supplies like semiconductor chips, and seeded a manufacturing renaissance — blue-collar jobs across the nation.

While some of these investments required Democrats to go alone, many were the result of bipartisan bills. As President Biden noted, he signed over 300 bipartisan bills over the past two years, including reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act and passing the Electoral Count Reform Act and the Respect for Marriage Act.

As President Biden said tonight, “To my Republican friends, if we could work together in the last Congress, there is no reason we can’t work together in this new Congress.”

We agree.

We remain concerned about the extreme factions of the Republican Party more interested in opposition than in working for the American people. We need to keep our commitments to one another — including a clean lift of the debt ceiling so we can fulfill the obligations we’ve already made and protect our American Recovery.

As President Biden outlined tonight, there are many places where Democrats and Republicans can find agreement, including public safety, immigration, mental health, curing cancer, and treating addiction.

Let’s get to work.

