Statement on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework


We are delighted by today’s breakthrough in infrastructure negotiations and congratulate all of the parties involved. We are glad that many Senate Republicans, including Senator Romney, are rejecting Leader McConnell’s default opposition and are instead working with Senate Democrats and President Biden to improve the lives of all Americans in a democratic and thoughtful manner. These long-need investments, including removing lead from pipes, building electric vehicle charging stations, repairing bridges and expanding mass transit, will promote responsible stewardship and enable more families to achieve self-reliance. Importantly, the plan does not increase the tax burden on working families.

President Biden promised that he would be a president “for all Americans.” His support for this bipartisan infrastructure plan, including his fostering of these negotiations, is another fulfillment of this pledge. We hope Senate Republicans will negotiate in good faith on other areas of deep national need, including voting rights, citizenship for DREAMers and other migrants, LGBTQ+ protections, and better care and support for our seniors and families. We have too much to do to allow do-nothing politicians exploiting outmoded, anti-democratic parliamentary forms to stand in the way of vital legislation. We thank these Senators, Republican and Democratic, for being “anxiously engaged” in a good cause and look forward to this plan’s swift passage.

A railroad bridge outside of Richmond, Virginia



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